The universe is filled with inevitabilities and eventualities.
Inevitably all things end. Eventually galaxies will collide. Inevitably life develops, and eventually it will die.
There are other eventualities that cover a more narrow state of being, specifically in regards to life itself.
In this case, we are talking about the eventuality of technologies evolution. Even past the point of the technological singularity, when artificial intelligence becomes greater than human intelligence, to the point of the acceleration of change. In accordance to Moores laws and all concepts regarding humans development into a type I civilization defined by Kardeshev.
With the acceleration of technology, and the eventual catalysts that will lead to certain leaps, changing and altering forever, the landscape of human history, we must consider other possibilities.
One possibility I consider when pondering technology and the future, is the final war. The war that is preceded by a war maintaining the general use of all available technologies for the gain of broad human concepts such as land, power, and money.
The final war in itself will not be based off of narrow human concepts that all the previous wars had been over. It will be fought over the existence of war itself. Its complexity will range between the ideologies of traditional human precepts including the necessity of war itself, to the idea of war defining the human spirit, and even the necessity of progress itself being dependant on the act of war.
There will be two sides to the war.
One side that will fight over the end to war. It will base its perspective on the fact that technology allows us to move beyond our simple human conditions. Life can be extended, basic necessities of life provided for all people, nobody goes hungry, all people are given energy, and money becomes obsolete. In essence there would be no need for war, as almost all problems war is had over, is solved through technology.
The other side will fight to continue war. They will fight to use technology for warring purposes. To prepare themselves for the eventualities of war. Traditional perspectives on the progress of technology through war. The act of war is a necessity to define us as human, to prepare us for hope as we struggle through strife, and to punish the obscured definition of evil.
This war will either continue on for an extended, possibly indefinite period of time, or it will truly end the need for war. At least in human terms.
Reaching that point in our culture, where our technologies solves almost all of our basic requirements for life, and even goes beyond it, will begin creating catalysts, more often than not, for utopian societies. Sometimes forced to separate itself from a portion of its culture and race, in order to blossom in its potential.
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